Shifts in Shopping as a New Mom

By Kana Fang

As a new parent and marketing researcher, reflecting on how Millennial parents navigate the world of products and services for my child has been an interesting study in consumer behavior. Pre-baby, I spent a significant amount of time researching and seeking information to make informed, often starting with brands and products featured in physical stores. Now with my very active toddler, time is precious and I have learned to prioritize my research efforts.

When it comes to essential products that directly impact my child's safety, such as car seats, my research instincts kick into high gear. I dive deep into various sources, analyzing safety ratings, user reviews, and expert opinions to make the best decision possible.

However, with the demands of parenthood and a busy schedule, I realize I can't do it all on my own―especially on smaller ticket items. Over the past year, I've discovered a valuable resource in the form of parent influencers with a few of my favorites featured below (a.k.a.  “Momfluencers" and "Dadfluencers”). There is a wide range of these influencers, but I currently follow a diverse group I have “vetted,” who share my data-driven values and parenting philosophies. They have become an essential part of my research process.

I will still look into products they recommend but have come to appreciate how these influencers put products and services to the test in real-life situations. Their firsthand experiences and detailed reviews help me make informed decisions without spending hours sifting through countless options.

As brick-and-mortar stores close (RIP BuyBuy Baby) and parents are left to sort online choices, being up-to-date and knowledgeable on what influences parents' choices and how they gather information is crucial for brands seeking to reach and resonate with their target audience.  

Here at W5, we take pride in conducting in-depth studies with a variety of methodologies that help brands understand the ever-changing purchasing behavior and needs of parents.

Curious to know if your product resonates and stands out among parents? Reach out to us to plan and execute your next research project!


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