Brand Positioning
Brand Positioning is a strategy to identify competitive advantages and help your brand connect with the right people, in the right way, at the right time.
It assumes your brand and competitors occupy the same “space” based on subtle differences in audiences’ rational and emotional preferences. Exploratory, iterative, and interpretive, qualitative Brand Positioning research is ideally suited for understanding these nuances. W5 can help you uncover both rational reasons for brand preferences as well as hard-to-define emotional factors.
With knowledge of your current position and what’s important to your audience, you can clarify your brand’s meaning and adopt positioning strategies that offer long-term strategic value.

Uncover your unique selling proposition and boost brand visibility with a custom Brand Positioning study.
W5’s approach to custom, strategic Brand Positioning research will help your brand:
Identify its position in the marketplace
Define and clarify attributes that matter most to your audience
Create meaningful differentiation from competitors or within a brand portfolio
Revitalize its presence within the market
Connect with us to learn more about W5’s Brand Positioning capabilities and how we can support your team.
See how fashion brands are turning to sustainability and recycling to make waves and position themselves as thought leaders.
See the blog post here.
W5 helped a self-care brand reposition a legacy health product to capture consumer attention and encourage trial using conjoint analysis and brand positioning research.