Design Driven Deliverables

Strategy is a natural extension of the work we do, work that tells a story and provides a direction forward. Our final reports reflect this attention to detail and tell deeper stories.

Our practice amplifies our research to serve two goals: inspiration and application. Inspiration leverages consumer understanding to inspire new ideas. Application focuses on solving problems and identifying opportunities.

W5 creates deliverables that can take many forms, custom designed to integrate into internal spaces and attract stakeholder attention. These deliverables include artifacts and installations, journey maps, research workshops and playbooks, and more.

Download W5’s Design Driven Deliverables White Paper


W5’s approach to custom, strategic deliverables can help:

  • Share and socialize research insights throughout your organization

  • Generate interest in research and promote a culture of customer-centric thinking

  • Promote long-term engagement with research insights

Connect with us to learn more about W5’s capabilities and how we can support your team.

Distilling a 100+ page report into one clear, concise, visually-engaging story is no easy task. Hence why data-visualization is a critical skillset for researchers.

See the blog post here.

W5 excels at crafting deliverables that are memorable, impactful, and fit with your brand. Are you a beverage company with a new segmentation? Consider ‘Segment Coasters’ to encourage segment adoption (and have a place for your product).

See the blog post here.