The Cutting Edge: Combining AI Technology with Human Insights

By W5 Team

No matter the category (like fast food, smart home tech, or even Drake-less Drake songs), A.I. is transforming the way we live, including how we’re thinking about its application in marketing research.

Technology alone can’t create business-transforming insights. As with all A.I. technologies, it takes human expertise both on the side of participants and research recruits, but also from marketing research professionals conducting research initiatives. Take a look at some of our ideas on how A.I. can be leveraged in marketing research and how we’re combining the latest tech with two decades of human expertise.

Quantitative Surveying with AI

Faster Surveying with AI

To streamline the research process, W5 could leverage industry-leading AI tools such as SurveyMind, ChatGPT, Pollfish AI, Yabble, Canvs, and Caplena to allow us to conduct quick-turn research with a wide range of participants, collecting valuable insights from the general population. A.I. analysis tools could also be used to automate chart generation and generate concise reports swiftly. Currently, we’re integrating ChatGPT and Bard into our daily workflow, utilizing them for various tasks such as brainstorming brand attributes, exploring niche categories, and refining communication materials.

In the near future, an AI QuickSurvey using market research AI tools like SurveyMind and Pollfish with an estimated sample size of 1,000 participants from the general population, our consultants could carefully design and edit the survey to ensure a human-built, strategic focus. After data collection, can employ chart automation and A.I. analysis tools to efficiently identify insights, which can be presented in a comprehensive Summary Report prepared by our consultants.

AI-Supported Text Analysis

In addition to quantitative methods, we employ AI-supported text analysis to gain deeper insights into consumer sentiments. By leveraging tools like Canvs, we analyze textual data acquired from surveys or online qualitative methodologies. The third-party analysis and visualization tools enhance our consultants' ability to explore and summarize the findings effectively. This combination of AI. and human expertise enables us to extract valuable insights from textual data and present them in a meaningful way.

Storytelling with Insights from AI

Speeding Up Concept Testing with Agile Ideation

When it comes to concept testing, generative AI proves particularly valuable in the initial stages of research. By utilizing research data to inform the AI's understanding of a target audience's preferences, pain points, and needs, we can quickly generate multiple concepts for evaluation. While some criticize these tools for producing generic responses, we can address these issues through specificity and intention.

By creating highly specific prompts based on primary research data, the AI generates more compelling and relevant product concepts, brand positioning statements, taglines, and other creative elements. Researchers can then rapidly test and iterate upon the most promising ideas, enabling teams to move swiftly from insight to activation.

Getting to Know Audience Segments with Detailed Persona Development

Similar to the concept testing example, generative AI assists in comprehensively understanding the target audience. With the aid of AI learning, we can create detailed personas that reflect the unique attributes of the audience.

By inputting highly specific, human-driven research data, these tools help visualize audience segments, tell engaging stories, and generate narrative-driven and relatable content that builds a comprehensive story around the target audience.

Questions? Reach Out!

By integrating AI, market researchers can unlock the full potential of their primary data and enhance the quality of their insights and deliverables. If you have any questions about how we combine human expertise with the latest advancements, please don't hesitate to reach out.

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