Leveling Up: Our Work with Gamers

By Brennan Mullin

152 puzzle shrines to test your brainteaser abilities.
12 regions and all-new floating sky islands to explore throughout Hyrule.
1 tunic-clad elf….

….yep, it’s Zelda season.

Tears of the Kingdom, the latest entry in the beloved Legend of Zelda video game franchise, was released last week. Since 1986, the series has captured the hearts of gamers young and old with its rich world-building, engaging puzzles, and compelling storylines.

Despite a six-year wait, Nintendo's decision to reveal few details before its release kept fans guessing about the content, leading to a flurry of speculative internet threads pouring over the smallest details revealed in each piece of marketing material. This approach was wildly different than the “reveal everything” for previous IP hits like Animal Crossing: New Horizons and Super Mario Odyssey.

This marketing strategy begs the question of how Nintendo decides which games will receive detailed promo strategies years in advance or whether to keep tight-lipped, as they did for this game. The previous game, Breath of the Wild, sold over 30 million copies and may have helped them decide that showing each detail simply wasn’t necessary.

For marketing researchers, this approach presents an opportunity to help gaming and tech brands better understand their target audiences and create more effective campaigns.

You can bet Nintendo has put decades of expertise into deciding exactly how to market their products, whether a promo blitz or radio silence. W5 helps gaming and tech companies make those kinds of decisions, too!

We have worked on several gaming marketing research projects for various niches, helping tech companies create products and campaigns that resonate with their target audiences.  Below are some recent examples….

PC Gaming Preferences with an International Survey

A global computer brand wanted to understand PC gamers and craft more targeted marketing to their needs and preferences. A foundational profile of gamers in select countries was desired to improve the client’s messaging strategy. W5 conducted a comprehensive consumer profiling survey in the U.S., China, and Germany based on category-relevant psychographics and lifestyles.


  • Created robust profiles of PC gamers detailing key needs, desires, motivations, and rationales

  • Revealed compelling commonalities and differences by market and provided strategic recommendations around communications and consumers’ product configuration needs


Engaging Gen Z Through Co-Creation Workshops

One of the world’s largest consumer electronics manufacturers sought the help of Gen Z consumers to develop a competitive strategy for TV service and product innovation for this new generation of viewers. W5 conducted an initial phase of online discussions with Gen Z consumers to record device usage and engagement via daily dairies. Then, select participants were recruited for in-depth friend pair interviews to build on key innovation ideas that emerged in the initial phase.


  • Provided a nuanced view of Gen Z’s TV consumption, including identification of six expanded television use cases

  • Gave a deeper understanding of Gen Z video consumption desires and unmet needs fueling innovation initiatives to drive engagement


Best Ways to Reach Gamers Where They Play

A global tech leader sought to understand perceptions of the mobile gaming space, adoption criteria, and unmet mobile gaming. To speak with gaming enthusiasts and professionals in-person and in-context, W5 recruited and conducted qualitative focus groups at an international gaming tournament held in Sweden.


  • Created short and long-term recommendations related to adoption of mobile gaming technology

  • Uncovered mobile technology concepts for future development and implementation

With our extensive experience across industries, W5 is uniquely positioned to support strategic decisions and take brands to the next level. W5 has a proven record of providing valuable insights that inform marketing strategies and improve the customer experience. So if you're looking to better understand your target audience and create resonant campaigns, please reach out.


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