Modernized Best Practices for Survey Research

By Andy Willard

Active understanding of consumer behavior requires a blend of empathy, technology, and precision. As such, marketing research studies require a more humanistic and respondent-centric approach.

Effective marketing research goes beyond traditional techniques, embracing innovative approaches that prioritize respondents’ experiences while maintaining rigorous, reliable data.

This shift towards a more humanistic survey design approach reflects a deep understanding of the nuances of human behavior and the importance of meaningful respondent engagement.

Challenges in Mobile Surveys

Originally tailored for desktops and laptops, traditional survey designs present several challenges when translated into mobile formats:

  • Wordy Questions: Excessively detailed questions can overwhelm the limited screen space of smartphones, making comprehension difficult.

  • Long Lists of Response Options: Extensive scrolling is often required, which can frustrate respondents and reduce engagement.

  • Full Sentence Text Responses: These can be cumbersome on mobile devices, leading to lower quality data.

  • Horizontal Displays: Matrices of columns and rows do not translate well to small screens, leading to poor user experience.

  • Overly Interactive Exercises: Complex interactions that require significant screen space and visual processing are often impractical on mobile devices.

It’s important to address these challenges with survey design that balances mobile optimization with the need for dependable, market-representative data. This involves making deliberate trade-offs to ensure survey experiences are not only effective but engaging.

Streamlined and Intuitive Questioning

A key to modern, humanistic survey methods is clear and concise questioning. Brevity and clarity are essential, leading to more natural and engaged responses from survey participants:

  • Shorter Questions: Simplified wording and more concise answer options make it easier for respondents to engage.

  • Improved Grammar and Syntax: Careful editing ensures questions are easy to understand at a quick glance.

  • Visual Clarity: Redesigning surveys to include white space and clear visual cues helps focus respondents' attention.

  • Dynamic Features: Interactive elements including video responses or language alternatives (e.g., Spanish) can enhance relatability and accessibility.

Exploratory Research on a Quantitative Scale

While traditional survey methods often rely on structured, pre-scripted questions, many research objectives are exploratory in nature, requiring more open-ended approaches. To meet these needs, we integrate open questioning techniques into large-scale surveys, seeking text, audio, or video responses that go beyond standard quantitative data.

Recent advances in data automation and AI processing have enabled efficient analysis of large volumes of unscripted data allowing for:

  • Sentiment Analysis: Understanding emotional tones behind responses

  • Theme Grouping: Identifying and categorizing recurring themes in qualitative data

  • Secure GPT Prompts: Leveraging AI to explore and dive deeper into text data

  • Visualizations: Creating word clouds, theme-based visuals, and statistical representations to complement traditional survey insights

360° Analysis: Integrating Insights

W5’s comprehensive approach combines both structured and unstructured data to provide a holistic view of consumer behavior. Our analysis is not merely reliant on technology―it’s fundamentally human-centered, ensuring data interpretation considers both what consumers say and the underlying drivers of those responses.

  • Explicit and Implicit Analysis: Combining direct survey responses with inferred insights from consumer behavior

  • Human-Centered Storytelling: Though supported by AI and statistical tools, the analysis remains grounded in human insight, ensuring the final narrative is relevant and actionable.

W5’s approach to marketing research reflects a thoughtful balance between leveraging technological advancements and maintaining a humanistic approach. By optimizing surveys for mobile use, streamlining questions for clarity, and integrating exploratory methods on a quantitative scale, W5 delivers engaging, thoughtful survey design that resonates with today's connected consumers.

Let’s connect

Interested in learning more about this approach or have a survey that needs modernized? Reach out!


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