Unlocking the Patient Mindset: It's Not Rocket Science (But It's Close)

By Emma Eyman

Let’s face it, the healthcare world is a whirlwind. Patients are changing their priorities and pain points faster than you can say “telehealth.” And while we can’t promise a crystal ball to predict the future of healthcare, we can offer you the next best thing: insights straight from the patient’s brain. (No operating room required🩺)

At W5, our healthcare research has enabled us to provide valuable insights that help our clients make informed decisions, build stronger brands, and deliver exceptional patient experiences.

Patients crave personalized care that feels like a warm hug, not a cold diagnosis. They want to navigate the healthcare maze with ease, with access to resources both in person and digitally, and they appreciate a brand that gets them. That’s where we come in.

We’ve helped a diverse list across the industry—hospitals and healthcare systems, insurance providers, patient organizations, and more—unlock the secrets to these human hearts and minds. So let’s dive into just that, taking a peek at four case studies below. From determining what makes Millennials and Gen Z tick, to crafting brand positioning that truly resonates, we’ve got the pulse.

Case Study #1: Decoding the Millennial and Gen Z Patient

Challenge: Enhance digital services for younger generation patients and parents of a children’s hospital

Methodology: Online surveys, focus groups, social media listening


  • Identified key pain points and opportunities for improvement in the hospital's digital services

  • Developed recommendations that led to the creation of a mobile app with features such as personalized content, streamlined appointment scheduling, and interactive educational tools

Case Study #2: Building a Patient-Centric Brand

Challenge: Differentiate a regional hospital system through a patient-centric approach.

Methodology: In-depth interviews, focus groups


  • Gained a deep understanding of patient expectations, perceptions of care, and desired service attributes

  • Informed the development of a new brand identity, patient journey maps, and employee training programs focused on empathy and compassion

Case Study #3: Segmenting the Medicare Market

Challenge: Optimize Medicare population marketing efforts for a health insurance provider

Methodology: Segmentation analysis, online surveys, ethnographic research


  • Identified distinct segments of the Medicare population based on health status, care preferences, and lifestyle factors

  • Developed targeted marketing campaigns and product offerings that resonated with each segment

Case Study #4: Measuring Brand Impact

Challenge: Assess the impact of a medical center’s expansion of its brand pillars to include education and research

Methodology: Brand health tracking study


  • Measured awareness, perceptions, and attitudes toward the medical center's new brand positioning

  • Provided insights that informed communication strategies, messaging, and target audience segmentation

Empowering patients is what the healthcare industry is all about, so using MRX as your MRI is key. With data-driven insights and passion for patient care working as a team, we can create a healthcare world where everyone wins. By being just as innovative about our approach to insights as this field is to medical care, we can help increase patient satisfaction, boost loyalty, and ultimately, improve the industry’s bottom line.

Reach out to Emma Eyman, Client Relations Consultant to learn more!


Modernized Best Practices for Survey Research


The Best of Both Worlds: Leveraging Digital and In-Person Qualitative Research