The W5 Narrative

Planning for 2025: A Research-Driven Approach
Explore key research areas to inform strategic planning for 2025 to help understand market trends, identify opportunities, and guide decision-making.

Networking For a Cause
Rub shoulders with like-minded individuals who are passionate about making a difference while supporting a great cause by joining us on Thursday, September 19 from 5-7pm in New York City for a one-of-a-kind networking event to support Baal Dan Charities.

Navigating Financial Futures: Turning Hard Numbers into Human Insights
In a world where financial decisions often feel like a high-stakes game, discover how W5 transforms financial data into actionable insights to help you stay ahead of market dynamics. Dive into Emma Eyman's latest blog in her Industry Spotlight Series post to explore key strategies that turn risk into opportunity.

Modernized Best Practices for Survey Research
To actively understand consumer behavior, marketing research must combine empathy, technology, and precision. In this post, we explore this shift towards a more humanistic survey design highlighting the importance of engaging respondents meaningfully and understanding the complexities of human behavior.

Unlocking the Patient Mindset: It's Not Rocket Science (But It's Close)
Diagnosing the patient mindset isn’t just about data; it’s about understanding the hearts and minds behind the charts. In a rapidly changing healthcare landscape, using MRX as your MRI is key—W5’s research dives deep into what really matters to patients today. Ready to see how we’ve done it? Let’s take a closer look.

The Best of Both Worlds: Leveraging Digital and In-Person Qualitative Research
The choice between digital and in-person research isn’t just about convenience. In the post-COVID era, this decision of using one vs the other carries significant weight for achieving your insight goals. Join W5’s Marty Molloy as he dives into the advantages of each approach and understand how the right choice can elevate your research outcomes.

Don’t Influence Me: Defeating Third Person Bias in Advertising Research
Third person bias, the mistaken belief that others are more influenced by mass media than oneself, poses a challenge for marketing research due to reliance on self-reported media use, but W5 offers tactics to overcome this cognitive distortion.

A Masterclass in Guerilla Marketing
Jack White’s surprise release of his new album on unlabeled white vinyl at select stores, without a massive marketing campaign, generated significant buzz and excitement among fans, demonstrating that listening to customers and providing high-quality products can lead to success.

1980s Pet Owners versus 2020s Pet Parents
How has pet ownership gone from loving our backyard companions to being helicopter parents to our fur babies today? Discover the trends shaping modern pet care, from specialized veterinary treatments to innovative pet tech, and explore the growing bond between humans and their pets in our latest blog post by Kathy Justice.

Quirk’s NYC: Futureproofing Research for Everyone
Join Amy Castelda and Emma Eyman as they recap the final Quirk’s Event of the year in NYC! From the rise of podfluencers to the importance of inclusivity in research, we’re sharing our top takeaways and why they matter.